Unify University announces a new student award in honour of Fashion

Our strategy is simple: to create a place where the best researchers and most promising students can achieve their full potential.
Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull and NHMRC CEO Professor Anne Kelso announced this week that Unify had received eight Career Development Fellowships, 14 Early Career Fellowships, five Practitioner Fellowships, seven Research Fellowships and three Centres of Research Excellence.
Our award winning and the world changing hall of facts and figures.
Grow your business, go global, and boost conversions in other countries by localizing your education experience.
Professor Allan Pack, University of Pennsylvania
Unify Perkins Lecture HallToward a just and sustainable food system
Unify Business SchoolOur duty towards you is to share our experience we're reaching in our work path with you.
Our strategy is simple: to create a place where the best researchers and most promising students can achieve their full potential.